Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A week in the life: Day 7

Our radio dial is basically set to KEXP, the best radio station ever. But last week was their summer pledge drive, and it's pretty grueling to listen to them solicit money all day. Now that they're back to regular programming I can tune in.

It's a glorious day because my negative, hyperactive colleague is out of the office. Makes for a much more pleasant work environment.

I walk down to Turkish Delight in Pike Place Market for lunch. I always get the same thing and it's not on the menu: lentil soup with chicken and a plain pita. This is one of the only places in the market where you can sit and watch people.

I walk down an alley on my way back to work. Lots of bars are advertising the World Cup and it makes me wish I was on vacation and able to chill out mid-workday.

Notes from the day.

The grass is so lush. It stopped me in my tracks as I walk home from the bus.

Kristin and Ashley send us baby presents and cards today. Kristin sent this little fox for the baby's room. There is a package on our doorstep every other day. It's exciting to get things ready for Little Kitzman.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I love the picture of your feet in the grass...you can tell your pregnant by the creases in your dress!