Friday, June 11, 2010

A week in the life: Day 4

Sweet, sweet Friday. The tail of my tea bag falls in.

We got this list of coping mechanisms from our birth class: whirlpool, positive thinking, music, etc. To the left is a picture a family friend sent; it's me holding her newborn son when I was five or so.

I iron a shirt that has been chillin in the dryer for five days. On my way to work I notice that my sweatshirt is dirty and briefly consider going home to change (sweatshirts are allowed on Fridays).

A delicious apple for a late morning snack. Even though they're not in season it's hard not to buy them. They're cheap and easy.

I do some stretches in the stairwell then go for a walk late afternoon. It's beautiful outside and the perfect temp. Only a few more hours until the weekend.

Walking up our street on my way home. It's so green!

Crossfit, finally.

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