Nick Hornby's
High Fidelity is one of my Top 5 all time books (and the movie's pretty good too). The protagonist, a lovelorn record shop manager, makes Top 5 lists

for all sorts of things (i.e. dream jobs, songs for a Monday morning). I play this game on road trips or when conversation gets stalled at a bar with friends... but we often get distracted so we shorten the game to Top 3. In honor of two weeks to go, here's my pregnancy-related Top 3s.
Top 3 businesses that I might've single-handedly supported:
1) Molly Moon's Ice Cream
2) Dahlia Bakery
3) Chutney's Indian Bistro

Top 3 things I will miss about being pregnant:
1) Baby kicks- it really is cool to feel my little buddy move around
2) Farrah Fawcett-worthy hair...or at least that's what it feels like compared to my pre-pregnancy mane
3) Extra friendliness from strangers

Top 3 things I will not miss:
1) Limited physical ability and energy level
2) My maternity wardrobe. Most of my shirts are now belly shirts and I've started wearing skirts as tops. Holla!
3) Restless nights (although I suspect that will continue for a while...ha)

Top 3 things I'm looking forward to consuming one the baby arrives:
1) Sushi!
2) A summertime margarita (on the rocks, with salt)
3) Turkey straight out of the package
Top 3 things about being pregnant in Seattle:
1) It's not ridiculously hot or humid (but I want it to be once we have our little baby)
2) Over-abundance of prenatal yoga options
3) Cherries!
Top 3 inventions that have come in handy:

1) Skype
2) Tennis balls (for my DIY back massages)
3) Barca-lounger
Top 3 annoying people I've encountered in the last 9 months:
1) Militant natural home birthers
2) Old bags who ask "Are you sure it isn't twins?"
3) Casual acquaintances who ask if it was planned. Really?
Top 7 awesome things you can say to an expectant mother:
1) "You move well for a pregnant lady"
2) "Can I get you anything?"
3) "You don't even look pregnant from the back" (thanks Dave!)
4) "You are gonna be the coolest mother"
5) "Do you want me to order a pizza?"
6) "You look beautiful"
7) "You are a rock star. There's no way I would've worked out like that while pregnant. I bet you're gonna have an easy recovery".