Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Expanding our (produce) horizons

Two months ago Dave and I watched Food, Inc and the next day did something we'd been meaning to do for a while: we joined his cousin Kim's organic CSA. (Actually we went out for brunch, wolfed down a plate of not-free range bacon, then joined. But I digress.) Kim and her husband Dan own a farm outside of Seattle, and they operate Terra Organics, a delivery service that brings fresh fruits and veggies to our doorstep bi-weekly.

We never know what we're going to get in the box, except that it's mostly local and in season (the farthest stuff comes from California). What I like about our CSA is the inclusion of recipes that incorporate one, two, or three of the items in the box. Some of the items really are a mystery...especially for Dave who is basically an apple-man. He's like "Look we got a squash" (it's a melon) or "Check out this cucumber" (it's a rare breed of eggplant). Hey, we're all learning. I have no idea how to cook tomatillos or what to do with arugula, so the recipes help me out and get us eating new things. And we are eating healthier.

I will say that it's kind of odd timing to start delving into culinary adventures. If Edie is awake and it's around dinner time she wants to be held or played with or taken on a walk. Simple recipes are probably best for this time in our lives (i.e. dump a jar of sauce and a pound of meat in the crock pot and come back in four hours). And you know I'm not too proud to nuke some Trader Joe's chicken tikka masala for dinner. I do feel pressure to use these new ingredients, which all have a pretty short life span and I like cooking and eating new things, but some days I really don't have the time and Edie doesn't have the patience for me to toast spiced walnuts for our roasted beet and goat cheese salad! Those are the days we look at each other and decide it's gonna be a soup and sandwich night.

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