I get sad when I have to say good-bye to my family, but it brightens me up knowing that I'll see them again soon. I'm flying home in October with Cookie, my mother in law, to introduce Edie to our East Coast people. I'm also thinking of our trip as a trial run, because Dave and I are planning on going home for Christmas. I expect traveling with Edie at Christmas to be a little nutty.

Dave's parents have been coming down on a weekday afternoon to spend time with Edie. Cookie lets me take her car to run errands, so I've gotten a haircut and went running at Green Lake. These are the things that become a little trickier to accomplish with a little nugget. The first time I left Edie, I was going over the finer details of how to warm up her bottle and fasten a cloth diaper. Meanwhile, Art and Cookie couldn't get me out of the door fast enough. I will say, it's nice to get some time off, even if just an hour or two. Everyone wins!
Lastly, Becky (Dave's sister) came by on Saturday afternoon to whisk Edie off our hands. I used the time to study for a professional exam, while Dave vegged on the couch and watched college football. Dave suggested we go to our favorite cocktail bar, Oliver's Twist, (pending I change out of my stretch pants) and again I could see Becky thinking, "Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" (in a nice way).

We ponied up to the bar and realized that we hadn't been alone in a loooong time. It felt nice to have an adult conversation and a glass of wine out. After our drinks, Dave didn't twist my arm too hard to convince me to go out to dinner. I texted Becky, who swore everything was going well back at home, so we headed for some Oaxacan tapas in Ballard. When we got home at the late hour of 8pm, Edie was fast asleep in Aunt Becky's arms. Becky weathered Edie's evening freak-out session like the veteran parent that she is. Thanks Aunt Becky for date night!
More and more, Dave and I appreciate the value of being close to family. What does this mean for our move back East, I wonder?
I think it means my boys are going to register for East coast colleges and I'm moving... but that's just what I think.
Sounds like a plan!
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