I've been on the East Coast for 9 days and am ready to head back to Seattle. It's been a very fulfilling trip. I pretty much toured the Northeast- NY, CT, MA, and VT. Some highlights:
Making pigs in a blanket for Ashley and Jeff's cocktail party. I think pigs in a diaper is a better name. That's what it seems like wrapping all those weenies in little crescent rolls.
Watching Patriots Tom Brady and Laurence Maroney play against the NY Giants at a random NYC bar. They be lookin good.
A loud black dude was whistling at me and Ashley during our run, saying "What? You're prejudiced? Once you go black you can never go back". Ashley replied "I'll take a guy with a smaller dick and a bigger brain any day".
Winning a contest at my family's Christmas gathering. I was voted in as co-questioner; my cousin Ryan and I will carry the torch from my uncle Kevin. Kevin started the tradition 10 years ago of asking a thought-provoking question each Christmas day with the intention of getting to know each other a little better. We all take our turns answering and the person with the best answer wins a coffee table book. It's usually an emotional affair; someone's response brings the house down. There's about 25 people in my family so I feel pretty honored.
Skiing at Mt Snow with my parents and some family. The sun was shining, there were hardly any crowds and we got a bunch of runs in. My dad is a sick skier, so following him inspires me. We brought leftover food from Christmas and ate at a picnic table by the lodge. We covertly drank our beers out of mitten coozies.

Maximum QT with my mom. We ran together, drove to Plymouth to look at venues for my cousin's wedding, and navigated the ridiculousness that is driving into Times Square a few days before New Years. What were we thinking??
Being asked to be my best friend/cousin's maid of honor.
My sister and I are gonna go eat Australian food, whatever that is, in Williamsburg. Then we have a Goals Meeting '08. As the title would suggest, we're talking about some goals for the year. Here's a few of mine:
Redesign website.
Cook a good dinner at least 2 nights a week.
Travel abroad (to Europe and/or Japan).
Frame 8 silkscreen posters and organize a show.
Do not drink and email.
Bike instead of drive when the weather is nice.
Avoid taking money out of savings.
Goodbye '07, it's been real!