Sunday, November 18, 2007

Moms: best invention ever.

I called my Mom last week, frantic with a personal health issue. She pointed out that I'd called her a few years ago with the same paranoia, and I said, "No, I used to be anxious about my teeth". She disagreed and reminded me that I freaked out about the same (fake?) ailment once when I lived in NY. Then I vaguely remembered and felt better, because it had been a false alarm.

On Friday I had two of my friends over for dinner and raced home from work to make my award-winning chicken lasagna (maybe not official awards but definitely praise). I forgot if I should put foil on the pan before baking, so I called my Mom and she affirmed, yes, foil till it's nearly done, then broil. Foil, broil. Check. She was having a dinner party too, with all her ladeez. They were three hours drunker than I was and were chiming in the background, "Shawna! We miss you!".
I miss them too. My Mom had also dressed up my Kewpie doll in her fiesta dress for her party.

Moms tend to be excellent for this sort of thing: health issues, cooking questions. But there are so many other things I feel like only a mother can solve, ease, or cure. I'm really lucky that I have a Mom, and a stellar one at that.

So to dovetail with a deep appreciation of my Mom, I finished watching Six Feet Under today. Holy crap. It was an epic effort. It took me 6 months to watch the whole series. I grew to love the Fisher family and felt particularly close to them. It was the first show I ever watched from beginning to end, so the first time I firmly grasped the characters and their relationships. Ruth Fisher dude. I love how Claire matured, and how she sprung out of the whole angsty-artist bitch role. My sister treated my mom similar to how Claire treated Ruth, when she was in high school. Luckily, my mom and sister are close, respectful and really like each other now. Ruth and Claire's relationship at the end is awesome.

Cheers to Moms!

1 comment:

Liz Baillie said...

When I first moved out of my mom's house she made a little recipe book for me out of a photo album, putting handwritten recipes on index cards in the photo slots. I wish I still had it. It really came in handy when I used to try making a mom-style meatloaf or ham, as I used to do.

Moms are great! I email my mom anytime I'm not sure about anything financial or cooking related. She also has an encyclopedic knowledge of home remedies for various ailments.

Also I love Ruth. I saw her (the actress, duh) on ER the other day and I got so happy.