Yesterday I was the chair for the office meeting, which is not a big deal for most. It's wierd; during Beer Friday (an hour at the end of the week devoted to beer, snacks, and socializing in the name of employee sanity and brotherhood), I am my usual social self. But at our monthly meetings I get a pit in my stomach as we go around the room and briefly describe our current projects. It is a deep, ridiculous fear of being the center of attention. Even at something as mundane as an office meeting.
Anyway, I volunteered to host it and, in a moment of bravery, to do a project presentation. These are few and far between, but I'm hot off the trail of a cool marina planning project in Anacortes. It's a seaside town that, believe it or not, I think I have a crush on. This presentation was hanging over my head for 5 weeks so I started working on it the day before. My PowerPoint skills are sharp but my presentation skills are green. But as a planner, I absolutely have to refine them.

The presentation went as well as I hoped. I felt like I applied my self and sense of humor to it, and kept it informative, light, and to the point. Glad that's over! I felt high on life afterwards. Like, when can I present again?
I'm loving my job. Today we took a ferry to a nearby island, met with our Navy contact, got badges for Navy base access and had lunch at a brewery. I had a schooner of porter. Tasted like dessert. After returning to the office, I wrote part of a proposal and tomorrow I'll do its document layout and pull graphics together. I love that shit!

1 comment:
Sounds like your life is going down easy - sweet but not too sweet, with grown-up-business-lady undertones and an exhale-that-went-well-I-can-do-it finish.
Yes, bartender, I WILL have another.
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