I'm aglow because I met someone great. We've been hanging two nights a week- Saturday and Thursday 'cause those seem to be the days that work. It's really fun. The Thursdays go by so quickly, but we only have one full day to wait. I'm using restraint here because it's all so new but I'm really happy about it.
I've been working on a mix for Erin's wedding. She asked me to make some dance-party playlists for lack of Awesome Audio. It's still in progress but is shaping up nicely. Got some new music (Nico Vega, Mint Royale) mixed in with old (Whitney, Paul Simon). I might have to make two volumes...it depends on how passionately I edit. I've been cleaning my closet and I keep stopping to dance. I'm so excited to see Erin and my friends from WeHa next week.!
When I see people reading books like the Lovely Bones (bo-ring!), Cavalier and Clay, or Life of Pi I think of the moment in time that the book, being on New York Times Best Sellers list, populated NYC subways. Which makes me not want to read them. But I picked up Life of Pi at the library and I'm devouring it on my bus. It's a combo of Hatchet and Ishmael, two other books I really enjoyed (I read Hatchet in 4th grade and Ishmael in high school Humanities).
Well, kiddies, have you heard 'Brandy Alexander' by Feist? You should.
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