For Dave's birthday I drew a cartoon of "Dave's Summer Day". I sort of envy his default mode: relaxation. My default mode? Hyperactivity. He really does enjoy his summers off, and seems to effortlessly fill his days without a tinge of boredom. I asked him what he'd draw for "Shawna's Day Off" and he, accurately outlined it: Wake up at 7, go for a run, come home and make faces at Dave for still being in bed, eat nuts and berries for breakfast, do a sixteen errands. True. I'm so lame!!
So this morning, I uncharacteristically stayed in my PJs, drank coffee in the barcalounger, and watched Saved by the Bell. Just like Saturday mornings of my youth! (minus the coffee). It was an inconvenience when I had to get ready for an 11 am hair appointment. I think I did a good job of relaxing this morning.
I also flipped through our many wedding pics, which we received from our lovely photographer Adam Smith this week. We love them! Check out the web gallery here.
Here's my mom helping me put on the Leonard family cameo. I love this necklace. Each bride wears it for the wedding day, then passes it on to the next bride. It was the "something borrowed" part of my outfit.

Here's where we relaxed a little during the "staged photo" portion of the evening. This was before the ceremony, so anxiety was running high.

And nothing takes the edge of that anxiety like a little champagne! We had great summery weather and great light for the photos.

Time to knock 'em dead. I'm whispering to my dad to hide from the audience, because they could sneak a peek over the banister.

Dave's parents, Art and Cookie, enjoying the ceremony.

Ah, I could relax and look at these photos for a while...
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