Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lack of Halloween parties: frightening

This is the first year in since '99 that there's no big Halloween shindig on my agenda. Well, I'm sure there are shindigs, we just haven't been invited to any. That's not true either; we got invited to Ashley and Jeff's in Brooklyn. Although I flew home for this annual monster mash a few years ago, I can't swing it this year 'cause I'll be on the East Coast in a couple weeks for Michelle and Jay's wedding.

Frankly, I'm a little let down by the lack of Halloween parties.

As a consolation, I signed myself and Dave up for a haunted brewery tour in Georgetown, one of the older, more industrial Seattle 'hoods. I just wanted to do something new. I asked my coworker if he wants to go with us, but he is handing out candy with his friend's 2 1/2 year old daughter. Is this what Halloween is coming to?

Oh, p.s. Ashley said I can share a clue about her costume.

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