Here's me. I am down in the trenches getting my LuLu Lemon capris all muddy. Sargent Mike turned up the heat this week. I heard a girl barf after one jumping-pushup-sprinting exercise. I haven't been physically pushed like this since field hockey in high school.

Did I mention that my boss took me and my coworker out for an early happy hour last Wednesday? It was a few hours before bootcamp. We went to Taste, a clean and modern restaurant in the Seattle Art Museum. We had just left an interview at the Port of Seattle. We were thirsty and wanting snacks. The waiter convinced me and my boss to share a half-carafe of wine, likening it to two glasses, but cheaper. All happy hour snacks were $5 and sounding pretty good. I ordered a grilled cheese and shot of tomato soup, thinking it'd be a few bites. (I ordered "bite size" burgers at dinner recently and they served me two patties the size of quarters. I laughed when the waitress set the plate down.)
The carafe seemed to never end. My 65-year old boss was pouring with a heavy hand; I wasn't exactly refusing.

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