Wednesday, October 3, 2012

32 things in 32 years

As I near my 32nd birthday, I thought I'd round up some random things that I've learned over the years. Some of these things were instilled in me from a young age, while others I've picked up along the way. Some are just my opinion, others are life's great discoveries or pieces of advice I try to follow. I had a hard time editing this list, which is good, because if I only had 32 guiding thoughts in my back pocket, I'd be pretty lame.

1. A good mom goes a long way.

2. Everything is better with cheese on it.

3. Saturday morning is the best time of the week.

4. Trust your gut, even when it tells you something you don’t want to hear.

5. My happiness is directly impacted by how much I’m working out (or not). Even a 10 minute run improves my outlook on life.

6. Sometimes, things can be just good enough. It’s okay if the pillowcases don’t match the sheets, or if you use bottled curry sauce rather than make your own.

7. Be a good parent, but don’t forget to be a good spouse.

8. Owning a house is a huge amount of work. Which is why I’ve let our garden go “back to nature” and we have a cleaning lady.

9. Once in a while, consciously be grateful for your health.

10. Don’t buy faux-Tupperware from IKEA.

11. Whether you are looking to buy a mid-century modern coffee table, find a roommate, or unload some extra mulch, Craigslist is an amazing resource.

12. Let your kids eat breakfast for dinner once in a while.

13. Guacamole is probably my greatest adult discovery.

14. If you're not into a book, put it down and move on to the next one.

15. If you get a chunk of money (bonus, tax refund, whatever), spend it like this: half to pay off debt, a quarter to savings, and the remaining quarter on a treat such as a golf trip (Dave’s choice) or leather boots (my choice).

16. Skype narrows the distance.

17. Write and send thank you notes.

18. Take risks big and small. This goes from trying a new recipe to making hard decisions that will significantly change your life, like moving to a new city. You will fail, but you will also grow and learn, and sometimes succeed.

19. Holding a sleeping baby on your chest is the best feeling.

20. If your husband likes spaghetti and you don’t, make him spaghetti once in a while.

21. Contribute money to your employer-sponsored retirement account. On top of getting the free employer match, it is money you won’t even miss from your paycheck.

22. Look people in the eye when talking, and when toasting.

23. Car camping counts as camping.

24. Dunkin’ Donuts isn’t that good and Starbucks is a total rip-off. Make coffee at home, but treat yourself once in a while.

25. If you are over the age of five, don’t ever wear your pajamas in public. Even on exam day. This goes for sweatpants too.

26. Know when to put down your iPhone.

27. In a pinch, it’s okay to distract your kids with iPhone apps when you are trying to complete a task or visit a friend in public.

28. You don’t have to go to college as soon as you graduate high school. Figure out what direction you want to go, at least somewhat, before racking up enormous student loan debt, or depleting your parents’ life savings, on tuition.

29. Exercise is the fountain of youth. Walking counts.

30. Don’t pay a contractor without a contract, and definitely don’t pay them up front.

31. Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. People will assume you know what you're talking about if you wear a suit, or the suit coat alone.

32. Do one thing at a time.

1 comment:

hungie gungie said...

I'm with you on all points. Especially the sleeping baby, the coffee, and having a good mom. Love ya shawna! Happy almost bday!