Sunday, January 30, 2011

Breakfast for dinner (and other weekend highlights)

It's Sunday evening and I'm recovering from our jam-packed weekend. Who do we think we are- a couple of D.I.N.K.s? Lots of stuff happened. Edie had some memorable moments, including her first foray into the world of solid food. Awe.some. Some babes start eating earlier (like Edie's cousin Camden) but our pediatrician gave us the green light at 6 months. Edie ate a couple bites of rice cereal enthusiastically, then I think she got exhausted. It was pretty entertaining.

I'm looking forward to Edie's culinary adventures. For some reason I think she is going to be a good eater, which is a long shot, because Dave and I were collective awful eaters growing up. But our girl has had a healthy appetite since the moment she was born (in the hospital we called her Edie the Eater). We'll see!

Speaking of eating, today I had breakfast for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast was oatmeal, lunch was bacon, eggs, and baby carrots. Dinner was gluten-free pancakes, real maple syrup, chicken sausages. Breakfast is the best meal of the day, so why not keep eating it?

Yesterday we celebrated Dave's grandma Edith's passing. She was a great woman who lived to be 100! Throughout her life she was very devoted to her family, the quintessential t.v.- watching, card game-cheating, mashed potato-making grandma. Dave has really fond memories of growing up near his grandparents, which is a wonderful thing to have. We're lucky that Edie got to meet her namesake last summer. It's my favorite memory of grandma Edith.

Lastly, we took a family outing to this great indoor pool and swam around with Edie. Dave is a total ham- going through the water features, blowing bubbles, making faces...I think he might've had more fun than her.

It was a good, crazy weekend by all accounts.

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