[Dave wasn't even in attendance, I might add. He was playing his supposedly last softball game of the season. Edie shed one tear for her absentee father.]
Tonight was good. We shared our birth stories (which is like crack for pregnant ladies and new moms), discussed our pre-baby expectations for parenthood compared to how it actually is, and divulged our expectations for PEEPS. In a nutshell, we want cameraderie. Or the moms want cameraderie and they made the dads join. At least that's how it went down in our house. I also wanted to see other babies Edie's age, and maybe get her some baby friends.
Of course Edie wanted to eat five minutes into our introductory circle. I'm pretty modest about breastfeeding, and reluctant to feed in front of thirteen strangers. So I slinked off to the host's stairs to feed her. Meanwhile, the facilitator is explaining the ins and outs of PEEPS, and says that it's okay to feed/change/comfort your baby at PEEPS. Obviously I assumed since we all live in liberal, natural birth-centric Seattle, it was okay to feed your baby at our meetings. I just didn't want to be the first one to bare a boob. But I came out of hiding and went back to the group, where some other moms were feeding too. All in all, Edie was a peach and very interested in the host's designer lighting.
I'm looking forward to seeing our PEEPS again and introducing Dave to the group.