I'm all jazzed to see a play tomorrow, Confederacy of Dunces. I read this book my first summer in NYC and devoured it much like Ignatius J. Reilly devours hot dogs (that's what a girl can do when she don't got a job!). I can barely even tell you what it's about, except for an overgrown loser who tries to support his elderly mother by finding myriad loser-ish jobs. It's been getting rave reviews. I'm pysched to check it out with my friend Joseph.

I stopped by one of my favorite used book stores to get a copy for our library. Dave's never read it, but that will soon change. Most of my books are still at Ashley and Jeff's apartment in Brooklyn because I couldn't justify shipping them to Seattle. Even though I LOVE to read, I often cannot bring myself to buy books. I always think about how they'll be dead weight next time we move. So I put a lot of mileage on my library card. But once in a while I think 'Man I really wish I owned that book'. This week I also bought 'The Little Friend', which no one seems to love but me! (Oh well, more used ones to buy on the cheap). Dave on the other hand is already dreaming up his library-cave for our next home. I think it'll have dark wood walls and globes and maybe ventilation for smoking pipes.

p.s. I highly recommend Tana French's Into the Woods and The Likeness. Spooky and riveting. I wished my commute was longer so I could keep reading.
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