I've been in a Netflix glut because all I want to watch is Season 2 of Mad Men and it's not on DVD yet. Nothing else seems to catch my interest and I'm annoyed that my Mad Men fix has been cut off at the knees. I kind of want to see Man on Wire, about the French guy who tight-roped across the World Trade towers in the '80s. Kaa-raaazy!
I finally joined my new gym and I feel just like Cindy Crawford in her workout hey-day. I got two free training sessions, one of which was yesterday. "My trainer" is just out of college and although the workout was tough and informative, I can't help but think he has a bullshit job that enables lots of lifting, lackadaisical counting of reps, and NFL-watching. In his defense he probably doesn't get paid much/get benefits besides the occasional smoothie.
Christmas is upon us and I decorated our apartment with four measly decorations, but it's the thought that counts! I convinced Dave that we should get our first ever tree this weekend. I don't want to spend money on myself right now, and I'm not sure how to decorate it on a shoestring. Oh- I do have one good idea but I'll keep it secret till I post pictures. My family is only giving recycled gifts this year (open to interpretation...such as vintage or refurbished goods). I love the parameters because it makes me think creatively. I got one person down....10 to go!
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