I'm back to my life in Seattle: my own bed, my routine, my gym, my trusty bus route, delicious Americanos!
Since I got burglarized I've been considering moving into a place that's not on the ground floor. To add insult to injury, my building manager told me that they're raising my rent about $100 (in one year, gimme a break). She was wearing a Mickey Mouse sweatshirt. I didn't know if I should take her seriously. I can't believe I'm already back on Craigslist. There's not much turnover this time of year, which is strange. Why do people leave Seattle in the summer, when the sun is shining like 14 hours a day? Irregardlessly, I'll keep my eye out for any reasonably-priced, charming studio that's on a bus route and near some urban life, i.e. parks, bars and stores. I'm painting a broad stroke, location-wise. Maybe I'll get bored with the hunt and will just stay at my own place.
Speaking of questionable sweaters, here's some pix

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