On Thursday I read the list of things I needed to do to get my security deposit back at my old place. I'm including it in this post because its' pretty damn funny (note the manner in which things are emphasized such as red type, bold type, yellow highlighting, underlining, and any combination of the above). But the good news is, I completed each task! I painted the apartment top to bottom, back to its original color (I'd painted the walls glass, soft pumkin and linen white when I moved in). I cleaned the living daylights outta that place: polished the curtain rod, scrubbed under the fridge, vacuumed dust from the window tracks. I impressed myself.

Next week Ash and Jeff are flying to Portland and my b.friend and I are meeting them there. They've never met. I suspect we'll have an excellent time. If things go my way, I'll have a security deposit to party with.
p.s. Yep, the title is a Jimmy Buffet lyric.
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