Yesterday I celebrated my 27th birthday with all the trimmins. There was carrot cake at work (at 10:30 am. Wait, who planned this?), cards, flowers from my friend Dara, packages in the mail, phone calls, emails, then dinner with 10 of my best friends (out here!). Even the weather broke; it was warm and sunny which is rare for this time of year.
I felt really lucky. Last year I spent my day with 3 or 4 friends, and only one of them is still around. It just warmed my heart to look around the table and see all these people that I'm close with and wanted to be there! The food was delicious, as was the wine, which did some damage to our bill. Oops! I felt so bad afterwards. I hate to be that guy (come to my birthday, I'll order all the food- it was family-style with a predetermined menu-, and shell out $50 each)...but it's over now. The quote I got over the phone obviously assumed we'd be drinking apple juice. I will treat my friends in some other way. Later, my friend and I held hands and walked to my neighborhood dive bar.
I feel really good about 27. Oddly I always thought I'd get married when I was 27. That might be a while.
Class tonight! I finished a piece for a friend and also one for myself. I'm really pysched about them both. My peers all gathered 'round and said, "Whoa". My teacher loved it, and I love her (maybe not love-love, just really like and admire), so I gave her a print. She said it'd live a long life. I'll post it up here after I take it to Kinko's for the big ol' flatbed scanner.
Halloween's around the corner. I'm gonna be Marge Gunderson from Fargo. Oh geez, I think I'm gonna barf.