Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Soft ground, warm heart

I need to write in my (nonexistent) 2014 calendar, under last week in March: VACATION. I'd like a friendly reminder about the perfect time to escape Connecticut so I don't sit around waiting for the ground to thaw. Maybe I'm just anxiously awaiting our baby. The arrival of Spring and the baby are intertwined.
Freezing buns off, pre-5k

Edie's been incredibly cute, and very into dancing. She didn't want to leave school yesterday because she was having a solo dance party. Today we all relaxed after work to Wilco and watched her best moves (spin around real fast, bonk head on floor, with a smooth transition into downward dog). It's pretty entertaining. I love when she hears music when seated, cannot contain the urge to move, and just goes for it. That is pure Edie.

Twenty five pounds of cuteness

In other news, my cousin and her family are moving back here! I'm super excited about this prospect, because she's one of my besties. Their daughter Camden and Edie, who are 10 days apart, are destined to be besties too. No pressure girls! They've been living in the suburbs of Boston for years, but now that they have two little kids, want to be closer to family and all the support that abounds here in central CT. It's the same magnetic pull that draws young parents to leave cool cities for less cool suburbs. I can attest that it's a hard trade (i.e. have I mentioned how much I miss Seattle coffee and music?), but when you have little kids and demanding jobs and homes that your dad can help improve, leveraging family support is a no brainer (have I mentioned how helpful and invaluable my parents are??).

So far, everything's been falling into place for their move to happen, but we aren't popping champagne yet. It's just something I have in my back pocket to look forward to.

Michelle and baby Shane

My dad has been hard at work renovating our basement. Until a few weeks ago, it was your typical basement. Furnace, washing machine, bunch of knick knacks from the former owner that we ignored. Now that our dining room doubles as a toy box and our office was repurposed as Edie's room, it seemed time to expand the living space.

My Dad had some time, and he's an incredibly talented craftsmen, so we set him to work! We've had the plumber retrofit the plumbing, an electrician and his dutiful son light up the place something beautiful, and now my Dad is hanging sheetrock along the ceiling and walls. It's starting to look like a place we'd actually like to hang out, and I'm pretty jazzed. I have dreams of doing early morning workouts down there, and an organized, well-lit work space, and a futon for out of towners. Or maybe it'll just be another catch-all for baby and kid gear. Padded walls and rubber floors? We'll see.

Happy feets

Guess this all requires money, doesn't it? Not sure that abounds much these days...But, cheers to being broke young parents with dancing toddlers and loving families.
Playing outside while the ground thaws

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