Sunday, July 1, 2012

Summer has arrizled!

If you didn't notice the crippling heat and ice cream truck jingles, summer is in full swing.

This weekend was my first trip of 2012 to the beach with Edie. After hunting and gathering clothing, beach chairs, beach toys, and food all morning, we were ready to hit the road. We managed to keep enough room in the car free to bring along my friend, Kelly, and we drove to Rhode Island where my friend Marge rented a beach house.

We arrived to meet up with Marge, and schlepped about half of our gear from the car to the beach, on foot. Camden was apparently not a fan of the beach ("Sand off?? No like ocean!"), and we passed her and Michelle on our way. Edie also doesn't love the ocean and won't let her feet touch the sand, so she insisted on keeping her Converse on (a real beach bunny, huh?). We hung at the beach for maybe an hour then carted all of our stuff back to the house in time for happy hour.

Talia met up with us, and after putting the little girls to bed, we had a great time drinking beers and eating dinner on the back deck, under the neighbor's amateur fireworks show. We've been friends since middle school, and it's comforting to be back among my ladies. I stayed up late (for me), just shy of midnight. It was novel until Edie popped up in her crib next to my bed at 6am, "Hi, mama, hi!" Toddlers just don't get the word vacation.

We managed to spend about another hour at the beach today, but I realized I had a ticking time bomb on my hands and that hitting the road in time for her nap would benefit all parties involved. Kelly and I packed all of our gear back into the car and headed home.

Planning and actually doing stuff takes work, but I do it in the hopes of stringing together a worthy summer. You have to make these events happen, or else you end up with a few hot months of grilling forgettable hot dogs and weeding the garden. But man, 24 hours at the beach with a toddler...maybe next time we'll stay two nights and get a bit more return on our investment. I came home and took a two-hour nap, I was so wiped out.

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