Well, well, well. What do we have here? The end of summer? But you're here so soon....
Maybe it isn't the official end of summer, but it sure feels like it because Dave's going back to work, which means I'll no longer have a daytime companion of the adult variety. Someone I can talk baseball with and hand the baby to when I want to eat lunch. Looks like it's just me and the little sack a' taters from now on...which is fun, she's just not one for conversation.

Edie's favorite hobbies include sleeping on me (which is the most awesome), sleeping while moving, and eating. She has no interest in being held without undivided attention. She's like "You think you're gonna check your email but I see you're not looking at me-WAAAAH!". It is pretty interesting to see how newborns communicate with very limited means. Crying= I don't like it, try something else. Not crying= I guess this is okay. It'll be cool when she can smile so we get some positive feedback.

I am thoroughly enjoying time home with Edie. It's a completely new pace of life for me. The last time I had three months off was after graduating college. I was looking for a job in NYC, had a lot of time on my hands and a dwindling savings account. That combo sucks. Furthermore, I was raised under the impression it was a sin to be inside on sunny days. But now I have the license to stay in all damn day if that's what Edie and I want. Guilt free!

(picture above: me using the sound of my hair dryer to get Edie to sleep)
It's nice to have a job to return to in a few months, but in the meantime I'm under strict orders to take it easy, enjoy my new baby, and lavish her with attention. As much as I like to get out and do stuff, we don't venture far because she eats so often; errands are highly efficient. We've been watching a lot of MLB with Dave, we go on daily walks and get coffee around the corner and we've introduced Edie to the wonder that is Sunday brunch. Feeding and singing and dancing and reading and changing and bathing her...the days just seem to pass, no problem.

So that's our life in a nutshell. We gotta say goodbye to Dave each morning now, which is a bummer. But someone's gotta bring home the bacon!