Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pre-baby livin'

Our new pad is slowly coming together. Our weekends have been intense, and it seems that we have plans or to-do lists seeping into every available time slot. And yes I still have boxes to unpack. But the good news is we scored two sweet pieces of furniture this weekend and made some headway on home projects. One piece of furniture- a dresser for the nursery- was free, thanks to my keen eye while cruising around the neighborhood. The other, a solid wood wardrobe, was seriously underpriced by a nice rich man over in Medina (you know, where Bill Gates lives). Now we can kiss those packed boxes good-bye....when I have the energy and inclination to do it.

I'm almost 8 months pregnant and I gotta say, I'm feeling it. Some noticeable side effects include disinterest in making dinner, increased interest in the couch, and eager willingness to take a bus seat when offered (which is surprisingly rare; is it a West Coast thing? Or just a modern lack of chivalry? I'm surprised).

We started our birth and parenting classes this week. They take place in our hospital basement all Saturday morning for four weeks. Topics include: how to not be a hormonal wench, how to breathe deeply, how your partner can help (in labor and in general), things to avoid while pregnant and/or breastfeeding (pot brownies, gymnastics, etc), and how to bathe, feed, and swaddle your baby. I think the class will be useful. Maybe we'll even meet some new parent-friends.

In addition to home projects and weekend classes, Dave and I are trying to squeeze in some pre-baby summer plans, including a trip with friends to the Methow Valley and a weekend getaway to the Kitzman cabin (if I'm still in good spirits and not a miserable blimp). Every month that passes and I'm still on good terms with pregnancy feels like a victory. Two more to go.

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