I had a great time, and I'm not just saying that to be a good sport. The thought of standing up and shmoozing for 7 hours was frankly daunting. And I haven't featured my art like this since college. Although my assistant Dave totally helped set up, delivered emergency hot chocolate, and hung around for emotional support (or was it the free food and booze?), I didn't know if I'd be twiddling my thumbs after hour 3. I wasn't. The vendors were free to roam around, snack, drink, refresh in the "green room" (really just a storage room with hot pizza and other provisions..but it was my first green room encounter, and therefore utterly cool). There was some sweet band action, too, which made the time fly by.
My day job has helped groom my scmoozing skills. I'm sure working in customer service from '96-'03 doesn't hurt. I like talking to people and I feel good about my work, so interacting with potential clients is no biggie. We'll see what shakes out and even if nothing does, it was nice to get my feet wet.
And for anyone who hasn't planned a wedding, there is an untapped circuit of free parties out there that cater to betrothed couples. Caterers, pastry chefs, and bartenders who want to work your wedding practically throw crostini, bellinis, and macaroons in your face. Dave and I ate like royalty when we were casually "doing research" for our wedding, and this event reminded me of the treasure trove of complimentary food and drink out there for anyone planning an "event".
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