I've been having a blast with my girlfriends coast-to-coast. Last weekend Dave and I galivanted to CT for some pre-wedding festivities. My girls threw me a bachelerorette, which I knew about but didn't know any details. Michelle, Ashley, Audrey and Becky were the party planners du jour. They made/bought all my favorite foods (sushi, Weight Watchers Mexican corn cakes, carrot cake, and peanut M&Ms, which I forget I love until you put them in front of me and they're gone in 60 seconds). I felt like a celebrity in my private dressing room, with all my faves at arms reach. Since this is a family-friendly blog I'll keep the details of the night PG rated, but there was definitely some good-natured naughtiness and penis-themed antics. Great times.
My friend Kristin is a teacher and she had her 4th graders make a book about "What Love Is", which she gave to us as our engagement present. Her students are mostly English as a Second Language, and their thoughts on love crack me up. For example: "Love is when my Dad tells me I don't have to go to school". "Love is hugging and kissing. Love is just a gift card". Or, "Love is when my dog licks my face, runs away and then licks my face again". It is an awesome book that is now properly displayed on our mantel.
Not to be outdone by my East Coast hotties, my Seattle girls and I went out on the town last night. We got some tapas, margaritas, and then moved on to kir royales. Yumm! Then we went to see some live music downtown. It was ridiculously fun.
I love my friends.
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