Well, despite my anxiety, I never made the kit...until this month! My favorite magazine, Bust, published an article essentially saying "Hey sister, don't be sitting around waiting for Red Cross when disaster strikes. Be prepared". I took the magazine and the list of kit essentials to Fred Meyer this weekend, where I filled my cart with a first aid kit, jugs of water, and a flashlight. And snacks. Lots of snacks. When I got home and filled up an old backpack with the stuff, I realize that I may not have a multi-tool, solar blanket, or a whistle, but I do have 17 different types of nuts.
The problem with the kit is: you have to be home when disaster strikes! I'm mostly not at home, which creates a problem. But at least it's better than nothing. My other problem is that now Dave knows there's a Snickers bar in the bag. I really should keep an eye on inventory.

In other news, I booked our honeymoon flight to Mexico on Saturday morning, about an hour before I walked out of the house to encounter doomsday-type headlines (are there any other kinds?) regarding the pig flu throughout Mexico. Well, shoot. I mean, our honeymoon is not till late July so we have time on our side. But it took a TON of legwork finding a destination that time of year that wasn't hurricane season, rainy season, rattlesnake season and was within our budget. I guess there's always something, you just gotta roll with it.
In much better news, I always walk past a neighborhood children's store that sells baby clothes. I spotted this ridiculously cute snail onesie, which I finally purchased for my cousin Ali. She's having her first baby, and the first baby of our generation.