1) Dread and determination- I set off with a bang. I remember alternately looking forward to the challenge and then thinking of what a looooong month March is. Dave confirmed that I was a drag this first leg of Prohibition.
2) Acceptance- I really hit my stride around Week Two. Armed with seltzer, limes, sparking juice, and coffee, I had a little extra spring in my step and my cheeks were so damn rosy. I felt that I could embrace Prohibition past April 1st. Hell, I'd do it one more month!

3) Anger and bargaining- Sometime between Week 2 and 3 I came to a plateau. What do you mean I can't have one innocent little beer? Well what about Kaliber non-alcoholic malt beverage? What about now? Can I have a sip now? I broke down and bought a sixer of faux beer. It wasn't too bad.
4) Reflection- So here I am in the home stretch. I'm still on the wagon. I'm learning some things about myself.
a) Booze is the spice of life that should be enjoyed in moderation. No need for the two-drink minimum every night.
b) If I don't drink wine, I'm going to seek out the sugar and empty calories elsewhere. Like in a jug of ice cream. Might as well stick with the devil you know.
c) I work hard, work out, watch what I eat. I think that blowing off some steam with a vodka gimlet here and there is perfectly okay. And fun.
d) You can find mocktails and non-alcoholic beer all over, you just have to look harder.
e) If I'm not drinking, I'm watching a LOT of movies.
It's not that it's impossible to have fun on the wagon. It's just that I enjoy a glass of wine at the end of the day, and maybe a couple cocktails on Saturday night. Life without booze is just a little...duller. I'm happy for the detox but I can't wait to toast my sister with some champagne in a few weeks. Clink!

1 comment:
Tell me about it Sista. I'm jumping off the wagon come April 1st into a barrel of wine. You said it perfectly. Prohibition is not terrible, just dull and isolating. I'm not signing up for a challenge like this again unless I have a baby inside of me.
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