I got off the phone, bristling. I felt defeated, and uninspired to try another bar. Hours later, once I'd cooled down, I called Union Hall, and the waitress was rude but slightly more helpful. What is it with these New Yorkers?
After work, two of my friends and I set out on a long bike ride to West Seattle. Our 24 mile-ride was cut short when Julie's tire blew out. A young woman with dyed red hair and a tongue ring pulled over and asked if we needed help. We did. Julie's pump was useless on a gashed tire. Tasha the biker chick was equipped with bike maintenance gear and she'd recently taken a 'How to Fix a Flat' class at Recycled Cycles. She was able and friendly.
She impressed us all as she started using her newfound knowledge. About 5 passing bikers slowed to ask if we were okay.

The warmth and kindness of the bikers restored my faith in humanity. Julie offered to pay a bar tab for each of the roadside assistants, at a bar of their choosing. I wished her better luck with Seattle establishments.
As for each the Soda Jerk, eh, fuck em.
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