Today I emailed a song request to the morning DJ at KEXP, for the first time. A few minutes later I was driving to an appointment and the DJ says, "Got a lot of good requests coming in. Here's 'Wishful Thinking' by Wilco..." and I got so excited. He didn't even say my name, but it reminds me of sitting Melissa's bedroom in Middle School, calling in requests and dedicating songs on Kiss 96.5. Like, all Friday night. You know, songs by En Vogue and Jamie Walters (ahem, How do you Talk to an Angel?...I'm looking at you Jay).

Luckily (?) my tastes have changed. Man I love me some Wilco!
I got acupuncture today for some ailment that I've been coping with and I already feel better. It's gotten really bad but after my successful song request and some oriental healing needles, things are looking up.

Here's a show poster for Wilco by
Crosshair outta Chicago.
Not to be a dick, but ... maybe your requests didn't go through because 95.7 was KISS FM and 96.5 was TIC FM ... or maybe because "The Heights" sang "How Do You Talk To an Angel?" and not Jamie Walters alone. How 'bout some credit for the other FIVE members of the band who are out there night-in, night-out backing that pretty boy and maintaining Bennetton-like diversity and many kinds of hair? C'mon.
I'm not sure if that ever made it to the radio, or if Erin even knew (until now). Although I'm sure you or Marge told her. I was in 7th grade, what can I say?
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