- Moved cross-country
- Left two great jobs
- Started three (and quit one) ok jobs
- Transferred Edie's day care
- Bought a house
- Bought a second car
- Adopted a cat
- Got accepted to grad program (Dave)
Between Dave and my mom's teaching schedules, they can watch Edie this summer. And they want to spend time with her. Her personality is becoming more apparent by the day; she's excited about the world (the moon, bubbles, our cat's whereabouts), sings along loudly to our bedtime songs, and recently started calling me "Shawna" (cute but strange).
I've mentioned our provider Nanny before. She is a wonderful, loving person who's run an in-home daycare for 30 years. She has a system down pat and lives for her daycare kids. Edie loves going to Nanny's, where she plays with her boyfriend Griffin ("Griffy") and Isaac. They ride in the "choo choo car", go to story time at the library, and eat fruit salad like it's going out of style. Beyond that, Nanny has every Little Tikes ride-on toy in their catalog, from 1980s vintages to present-day models. We can't hold a candle to her toy inventory (but honestly, I don't want to).
Dave and I wanted to keep the door open to return in the fall, but Nanny couldn't guarantee our spot would be held without paying for it. It just didn't pencil out, so we're back to the drawing board, looking for caregivers closer to home and open later and more consistently, so that we can accommodate Dave's upcoming schedule, juggling teaching with his UConn program to become a school administrator. Oh yeah, and my crazy work hours too.

I told Edie that we are saying goodbye to Nanny this week. I got sad writing Nanny's last check yesterday. You'd think I'd be used to change by now, but it's hard to say goodbye with confidence that we're making the right decision. To those who don't have kids in daycare, it's hard to fathom what the big deal is, but good care is hard to come by, and good affordable care is elusive at best. I have to believe that when one door closes, another one opens, and that we'll find another great place. Maybe even one down the street?
In a way, I look forward to a time when our life will settle down a bit, but the constant change and commotion that comes with being a parent is strangely comforting, and keeps boredom at bay. Note: these pics aren't from daycare, they're of recent play times with cousin Camden and friend Tommy!