However, I've been burning the midnight oil on a few awesome side projects and got burnt out being at the office 8 days a week. After no respite from the daily grind (bus trips, downtown antics, etc) I decided there needs to be a third place: not home, not the office, but a studio. Just like I had in college. I went to my one-stop shop, Craigslist, to scope out my options. My requirements are that it's cheap and close. Since my Good Press business stuff is just a side gig, I can't justify paying more a studio than what I make on artwork.
I found a listing that seemed to fit my criteria: $150/month including utilities, with a month-to-month lease, and just a few stops away on the bus. Plus they have free parking and it's in a legit neighborhood. I checked out the space and it is no bigger than a gumdrop. But it has a window and some (faux) wood floors and tall ceilings. The guy who operates the building (billed

While it's kind of frustrating to pay rent for a studio on top rent for an apartment, I think it's the right thing to do at this point. It just seems kinda shady to use my employer's internet and electricity and ink to run Good Press. In an ideal world, we'd own a home that was big enough for my very own studio. Until that time, the rented studio is pretty enticing.
And I have no photos of the space, so enjoy these wintry images I foraged on the internet.