article in the New York Times is short and very sweet! A Philadelphia-based poet shares his thoughts on the good of the economic shitstorm: newfound time, freedom, and social interaction. I love it.

With that being said, I am not approaching life with much zen. I'm overcome with home improvement ideas. I read the
Apartment Therapy blog daily and have an unhealthy fascination with well-designed, personal and functional homes. The weird thing is, I don't buy anything for our place. I just internet-window shop and dream. And when it comes down to it, the only furniture I pull the trigger on is used stuff from Craigslist. Oh, and here's a sweet pic of my actual home (well, my home a few years ago and I DO have a valid excuse for the ridiculous whole family was packed into my studio after a mountain biking/road trip to Montana).

When I'm not scheming up my- I mean our- dream home, I'm researching DIY wedding projects. I always scoffed at brides who spent $40,000 on their wedding. Seriously, it's one day! But there are so many cool ideas out there, I am starting to see how people get sucked into the wedding vortex. Every time you make a wedding-related decision it costs at least $60.

Ahh, to be a young lady in a consumer-driven society....