We didn't really know what we were signing up for. For example, Dave attempted to leave the house in jeans and a hoodie. I'm not really sure how fundraisers work but I suspect people wear ball gowns when their dinners cost $75 a plate. Or at least not sweatsuits. Dave argued that this was for farmers. In Washington. He changed anyway. All I knew was that there'd be be home-grown food, a bluegrass band and presentations.
The Founders Dinner rocked! It was my favorite fundraiser evarrrrr! We just so happened to sit with some fellow urban planner types, and there was plenty of organic wine, brussel sprouts, pulled pork, and rosemary pear cake to go around. All of it was washed down with a jammin bluegrass band. You could tell the hopeful farmers put a ton of work into the event, and once the keynote speakers got into the importance of supporting local economies, eating locally, and giving the next generation of farmers the boost they need, we couldn't get out our checkbook fast enough. It was really inspiring and amidst all the gloom and doom of today's news, it really made me feel good about something. Even if we do not have extra money lying around, it's worthwhile to

I think we've done our good deed for the year but check out Tahoma Farms if you're interested in their venture.